Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Deven Parekh

The New York equity and venture capital firm Insight Venture Partners, which was founded in 1995 by Jerry Murdoch and Jeff Horing, is wholly involved with software and Internet businesses and currently has a three billion dollar capital base. Managing director at the firm Deven Parekh was involved with The Blackstone Group and Berenson Minella & Company prior to joining Insight Venture Partners. He began his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the Wharton School.

In addition to his professional career, Deven Parekh is also a Henry Crown Fellow of the philanthropic Aspen Institute, which works to foster leadership qualities and critical discussion around the world. The Institute holds seminars and other events designed to promote honor and integrity in individuals. Deven Parekh is also a board member of Publicolor, an organization that uses art and color to motivate disaffected teenagers.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Bouquet of Flowers, This Time

When I was young, giving gifts of flowers was my forte. Wildflowers, weeds, daffodils from the garden--I used to pick them all and repackage them to give to the adult women in my life. A bunch of picked flowers could become an elaborate bouquet, or a rose could become a bottle of rosewater "perfume." Much of the fun was running my own flower delivery service, complete with silly costume and begging for tips!

In the adult world, you can't really get away with gifting buggy flowers stolen from someone's hedge. On a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary, I prefer to give a grown-up version of my dandelion gift baskets, such as the professional arrangements from 1-800-Flowers. I don't need to worry about pulling out that old delivery costume now--with this service, everything is taken care of!

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Flower in Winter

Fresh flowers can be a great addition to anyone's home decor. Me, I try to lessen the impact of long, dark winter days by keeping flowers in the house, as they instantly brighten up any room. One of my goals has always been to keep live flowers growing indoors, though I am rarely able to encourage much growth. Currently I'm trying to rehabilitate two orchid plants that were marked down at the store due to the poor state they were in. For months my efforts seemed futile, but they are now growing new leaves and I have hopes that one day they will flower.

However, this is quite a bit of work for not much result. A simpler way of keeping blooms in the house is to buy cut flowers, either making arrangements myself or getting a professional presentation. One of my favorite places for finding beautiful decorative flower arrangements is 1-800 Flowers, which will ship directly and has many different options, even in the dead of winter!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Enriching the Body and Spirit with Harley Swiftdeer Reagan

The complications and stresses of modern life often leave people hungering for a renewal of their spiritual sides. There are many choices out there for those looking to develop their spiritual selves, from religious groups to physical enrichment programs to philosophical studies. One teacher who combines these approaches is Harley Swiftdeer, a martial artist and healer with a background in psychology, religion and philosophy.

Harley Swiftdeer bases his teachings on martial arts, believing that a mastery of the physical is important to spiritual development. He runs the Ten-No-Kishi Dojo in Scottsdale, Arizona and has studied judo, jiu-jitsu and karate. His background in healing comes from his lifetime spent studying with the Twisted Hairs medicine men and women in the Americas, whom he joined as an Elder in 1992. Harley Swiftdeer is also a founder of the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society, an organization dedicated to teaching about environmental restoration and the preservation of human rights. The Deer Tribe group provides workshops and classes to those seeking evolution of the body and spirit.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Westford Asset Management and Boca Raton

Westford Asset Managment is located in Boca Raton, Florida. Boca Raton is a city in Palm Beach County, considered to be the largest city in the area and containing at least 300,000 people daily. The name means "Mouse's Mouth," which refers to a sea inlet located near, but not in, the city. The first settlers in the area were the Tequesta Indians, and the city was later inhabited by agricultural workers and Japanese immigrants. The population has expanded significantly since. Today, you can find Westford Asset Management in Boca Raton.

Travelers will find that the city is full of things to do, from visiting the historic landmarks to attending the museums, Boca Ballet Theater, art and science centers, and the nearby international film festival. There are also public beaches, universities, parks and plenty of places to bike. When visiting Florida, be sure to stop by Boca Raton, where Westford Asset Management is located.

Re-connecting the Spirit: RENEW International

Religion and spirituality is important to many people across the globe, and is particularly needed in times of crisis when one's faith might dwindle. There are many organizations devoted to fostering spirituality in people, whether they are already long-time followers with a need for rejuvenation or new converts ready to learn. In the Catholic faith, one such organization is RENEW International, a Roman Catholic ministry.

RENEW International began with an idea to "renew" the Church and the faith of its people. From its small beginnings in 1970s Newark, today RENEW International has expanded to 23 countries, helping dioceses all over the world meet their goals. The organization strives to meet the needs of its parishes and parishioners through providing faith-based learning programs, serving the community and supporting the Catholic tradition.

Music and Muhammad Babangida

The history of music is an important one, as it often echoes the history of a culture. In today's music world, where music is treated as only a commodity to be consumed by the masses, the history of musical genres is often forgotten in favor of producing inoffensive medium-level music that appeals to the widest audience. This is particularly noticeable in the genres of jazz, blues and R&B, all of which are tied together in history and all of which have been appropriated for mass consumption.

One man interested in searching out the history of these musical genres is Muhammad Babangida, a Nigerian businessman who has started a blog to talk about the history of music. Muhammad Babangida is most interested in tracking these American genres back to their origins in Africa, and in discussing how African music has influenced contemporary music all around the world. Visit Muhammad Babangida's blog  to read more about African music and its relationship to the genres we are all familiar with.

Lead the Way, Jeff Barcy

Leadership is an important quality in general life, but is also essential to a life in business. Take the example of investment executive Jeff Barcy, the CEO of Ridgeback Partners. Jeff Barcy started out with ambition, getting his undergraduate degree from the prestigious Harvard College and his graduate degree from Harvard Business School. With this excellent academic record in hand and a mind for leadership, he was able to start off his career in investment banking with Credit Suisse First Boston, eventually becoming the director of their real estate banking practice.

Jeff Barcy's hard work and leadership qualities led him to Hearthstone, an real estate institutional investor, where he contributed to the successful growth of a real estate opportunity fund. Today, Jeff Barcy and the other principal managers of Ridgeback Partners have a long history of successful real estate investing.

From Eyes to Eyeglasses

Eyeglasses are a fact of life for many people, but not necessarily a bad one. Some need glasses for reading, or to wear always from a young age. Others develop the need for eyeglasses as they age and their eyesight deteriorates. The upside to wearing glasses is that it opens up a whole new world of accessories, particularly for women. After all, eyeglasses can be extremely fashionable, and can create a signature look unique to the wearer.

One site for purchasing inexpensive, attractive frames is Eyeglasses.Com, which features a wide range of types and styles, including some snazzy vintage-style glasses and plenty of designer options. The site also includes sunglasses for those of us who are lucky enough not to need eyeglasses yet--or perhaps unlucky enough not to get a chance at these iconic accessories!

Designing the Cab of the Future with Amos Tamam

Science fiction writers often endow the taxicabs of the future with convenient automated technology like electronic pay systems, advanced traffic monitoring, and video news feeds along with fancy visual effects and, of course, flying.  Floating hovercraft taxis aside, the future is nearer than one may think thanks to Amos Tamam and Verifone Transportation Systems.

Amos Tamam is the CEO of Verifone Transportation Systems, a company that has changed taxi riding for the better. In New York City, Philadelphia, Las Vegas and other cities, some taxis now include extra technology for the passenger, such as a credit card transaction system and a touch-screen monitor that relays the news, weather, sports, restaurant guides and more. In addition to the convenience, the systems implemented by Amos Tamam also provide safety, as both passengers and drivers need not carry as much cash on their persons.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Keep Up With The Tax Man: American Tax Relief

The taxation system in the United States is incredibly complex. Unfortunately, figuring out taxes can be difficult and time-consuming enough to be a full-time job, as evidenced by the popularity of tax preparation offices. Even with the help of these tax offices, many people end up overpaying the government because they do not know enough about taxes to take full advantage of the deductions they are legitimately entitled to. As someone who tackled paying taxes alone for the first time this year, I can attest to the difficulty and ridiculousness of the system. If a single person with no dependents and no property can get confused, there's something wrong there.

However, there is help out there for people who want to do their own taxes, but would like to go into it armed with enough knowledge not to get cheated. With American Tax Relief, you can prepare for your taxes with a knowledgeable expert. American Tax Relief, which describes itself as your Superman to the IRS's Lex Luthor, offers a tax coaching program that will teach you how to make the best of your taxes and avoid the absurdly high rates that most people are paying. You can visit the website for American Tax Relief to get a sample CD of their tax relief strategies.

Choosing Quality Over Price: Home Design With K-Designers

Most people worry from time to time about being taken advantage of when shopping for quality products, due to previous poor experiences with dishonest salespeople and the prevailing attitude in modern society that the most expensive products must automatically be the best. That's one idea that is going by the wayside in this recession, as people become more cost-conscious and less tolerant of advertisers pressuring us all to live outside of our means. Even magazines and television networks have picked up on this change, promoting high-quality, lower-cost items over high-priced status symbols. As well, people have begun to look to companies that have always prized quality over price.

In the home design arena, one company that commits to giving its customers the best bang for their hard-earned bucks is K-Designers, one of the largest remodeling contractors in the U.S. K-Designers has been running for over 30 years, using the best materials available to provide windows, exterior siding and paint, patio and garage doors, overhang coverage and more to its customers. In addition to providing high-quality, low-cost products that have won the company awards for superb service, workmanship and production, K-Designers also offers several different financing options for those of us weathering tough times.

Altering the Inconvenience of Convenience: Amos Tamam

Riding in taxicabs can be a strange experience, and sometimes a hassle, particularly for those that do not live in the city. One of the minor annoyances with cab rides in most cities is having to carry cash around, particularly in these days where almost everywhere takes credit or debit cards. Well, thanks to Amos Tamam, that's no longer a problem in New York City.

Amos Tamam is the president and CEO of VeriFone Transportation Systems, the company that came up with the technology to allow credit card transactions inside taxicabs. In addition to making taxicab travel more convenient for the average person, the technology also allows for companies prevent their employees from abusing travel expenses through the use of corporate credit cards. Amos Tamam's VeriFone system also includes a touch screen monitor that relays weather, news, sports, and traveling information such as restaurant and nightlife guides. The VeriFone technology, having been met with success in New York, is also being tested in other cities like Philadelphia, Las Vegas and Chicago.

Life With Security: United American Insurance Company

Living without health insurance, while possible, can be a real problem. Usually, those that benefit from forgoing the monthly expense of insurance payments are young, healthy people with enough good luck not to get sick or injured. Most of the population, those with age, illness or injury, risk going heavily into debt without health insurance, and no one wants to be in the difficult situation of not having enough money to see a doctor. Indeed, some doctors will not see patients that don't have insurance, as they cannot be guaranteed payment.

The trick to avoiding this kind of dilemma is to find an insurance plan that is not too expensive, but still provides enough coverage so that you don't get bogged down in medical bills if something untoward does happen. One place to look for such a plan is the United American Insurance Company, which offers a wide range of plans tailored to an individual's specific needs. Additionally, United American Insurance Company supplements existing health plans, such as Medicare, which may not cover enough of your medical costs alone. You can also find jobs with United American Insurance Company, which is always looking to fill sales, management and customer service positions at their many locations.

Ethics and Global Media: Linus Gitahi

The world has come a long way from the days of state or nation-wide media firms. Since the 1980s, privatized global media groups have expanded their interests to numerous media-related industries, including those of music, film, television, retail, magazines, book publishing and even newspapers. The bigger media firms largely use this power to combine multiple lucrative industries into one, which is often useful in the entertainment genre, but some firms avoid focusing on commercial interests.

One such firm is the Nation Media Group, overseen by Chief Executive Officer Linus Gitahi. Nation Media Group is the largest media firm in East and Central Africa, and focuses on information media and product courier services. The firm prides itself in its independence, advertising a mission statement that separates the firm from all interests commerical, political, religious and factional. Linus Gitahi and the Nation Media Group publish a variety of newspapers focusing on regional news, and transport their newspapers by courier throughout Africa and the rest of the world. Linus Gitahi also has many other business pursuits, including serving as the non-executive Director of Equity Bank, Ltd, Afrika Investment Bank and the Federation of Kenya Employers.

Cooking Kenyan With Wangethi Mwangi

The attitude toward food is changing once again in America, moving away from the ease of pre-packaged meals and the self-indulgence of eating only foods we are comfortable with. This backlash has been a long time coming, as one glance at popular media will tell you. Cooking competitions and travelogue-style food shows have become hugely popular, as people grow tired of the dinner-in-30-seconds type of program that glorifies only product placement. Many viewers prefer to envision themselves as the world traveler, sampling natural, flavorful foods from around the globe.

In practice, this becomes much easier through the Internet. Most people will never be able to afford to travel in this way for real, but can afford to create their own travel fantasy by cooking new dishes at home. Food lovers can find plenty of recipes online, on major websites and from blogs like that of Wangethi Mwangi, who writes about popular Kenyan cuisine. Wangethi Mwangi 's blog focuses on simple recipes with simple steps that anyone can follow at home.

Me, I can easily imagine an evening of spicy Tanzania chicken and hot chapati, with rice on the side. That's not so outside of the average American's palette, and wouldn't be too expensive to make, either. Wangethi Mwangi makes sure to include recipes that can appeal to a wide range of tastes, and uses ingredients that wouldn't be difficult to find at the corner market. A relief to those of us who have spent plenty of shopping days looking for too-rare ingredients on this side of the globe, for sure!

Business Marketing With Survey Resource Center

These days, it seems like everyone is running their own business. In my family, there are a total of four, half of them Internet-based and half the traditional local variety. We know all too well that it's not easy to keep a business going or to get a new business off the ground. Marketing is key, but many people are unsure of how to go about getting the word out about their products, or even how to find out which consumers they should be targeting.

Luckily for business owners, the Internet has opened up plenty of options for marketing resources. One great option is using a company like Survey Resource Center, which provides information on consumer survey responses in a variety of areas. Survey Resource Center primarily works with prospects for insurance, mortgage and finance, expanding from the company's original life insurance prospect file work eight years ago. Their method of cross-referencing leads has allowed Survey Resource Center to provide a quality service that outperforms others in the industry in terms of accuracy and results. If you need to advertise your business, make sure you've explored all of the options and look into getting help from SRC to target your market.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April Showers Bring Mother's Day Flowers

It's the season for flowers here in New England, and I've been enjoying watching everything outdoors start to bud. In my backyard, the cheerful yellow forsythia is the first to bloom, with my other flowers just starting to recover from the winter months. Soon, I'll have pink and white bleeding hearts, red roses, lilies, morning glories and plenty of wildflowers in my overgrown garden. I've been working indoors as well, growing seedlings for a vegetable garden and trying to save a marked-down "distressed" moth orchid that needs a whole lot of tender care.

As much as I love outdoor flowers Mothers Day is just around the corner, and my struggling orchid isn't going to cut it. There won't be enough of my own blooms in just a few weeks to make my own gift, and putting together a gift from the local shops or the grocery store can get pretty expensive. One place I like to get pre-made arrangements from is 1-800 Flowers, which has plenty of lovely affordable gifts, and saves me the trouble of shopping. With an easy gift of flowers Mothers Day can be a lot less stressful, and your mother will appreciate the professional touch put into the 1-800 Flowers bouquets.

Build Up Your Business With Carl Sgro

Since the popularity of the Internet really ballooned in the 1990s, businesspeople have been trying to find a way to use it to their advantage. Back then, one of the big problems with advertising online was that there weren't many options for those without the means to create a big campaign. Today, there are plenty of affordable ways to promote a business, but with so many businesses competing for attention, getting yours out there can be difficult. Most businesspeople are experts in their own fields, and don't necessarily know much about marketing themselves on the Internet, certainly not enough to compete with those that do.

That's where someone like Carl Sgro comes in. Having focused on helping Internet-based businesses grow through search engine marketing, Carl Sgro is an expert in Internet marketing technology. Using his methods, he has taken several companies, such as the recently-sold Name Engine, Inc., from their startup points to the national and international level in a relatively short period of time. Carl Sgro has founded three Internet companies based on business development and has most recently focused his work on marketing solutions for businesses in the retail, real estate and health care worlds.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Bouquet of Roses

When you want to give a little more than an "I love you" on Mother's Day, flowers are always the best bet. I like to vary the kind of flowers I get my mother from year to year. Sometimes, I go for a flat or two of impatients for her garden, or a big, potted hydrangea, but the gifts that get the biggest reactions are usually colorful, pleasing flower bouquets. My preferences run to orchids and lilies, but I've also seen gorgeous Mother's Day flower  arrangements with roses, tulips and sunflowers. Once I even saw an amazing arrangement made from flowering cacti, for the off-kilter plant enthusiast!

If you're not too confident about making your own blooming gifts, you can get some beautiful arrangements for a Mother's Day flower  at 1-800-Flowers.Com. I've ordered from them before, back when I was at university and couldn't get home to give gifts in person. My favorite was a completely sweet bouquet of small roses that arrived directly on the day (and was affordable enough for a college student!) Presentation is everything when it comes to gifts, and sometimes, a professional creative display can have much more impact than a big plastic gardening flat. Bring a little touch of May indoors this year.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Can You Care for Aging Relatives Alone?

The breakdown of the extended family structure in our modern society often leaves many wondering how they can realistically care for aging and infirm relatives. With adult children and their parents living in separate households, and the average lifespan constantly on the rise, hard decisions must often be made regarding what to do with a parent or other family member who can no longer care for themselves. Some choose to house older relatives in nursing homes, while others may take on the task of moving relatives into their own homes. For a working adult, the extra responsibility of becoming a caregiver can be extremely difficult and it is sometimes nearly impossible to fully give a relative the quality of life they deserve.

However, nursing homes and self-care are not the only options. When looking to care for an aging relative, whether in your own home or theirs, a person can always seek out adult care assistance. In this assisted living situation, a qualified caregiver will come to the house to help with regular daily tasks and medical care to ensure the highest quality of life. If you are in the Phoenix area, one such caregiving service is Homecare Phoenix, which provides a variety of options to choose from. Home Care Phoenix will match you with the professional services that are right for you, whether you are looking for a caregiver to help out at home, in a retirement community or at a hospital. The compassionate, friendly caregivers at Phoenix Homecare work to tailor their services to your specific needs, so that you or your relative can live out the most independent life possible.

Friday, March 6, 2009

You Don't Need Makeup to Frame Your Eyes: Eyeglasses.Com

I know I'm one of the few people who find glasses totally attractive on a person, and not just because they give the instant impression of intelligence and sensitivity. No, to me, glasses are also about having an extra edge in the accessory department, particularly for women. Glasses can help create an image, or express a style, that is unique to each individual. They're both practical and fashionable. If you have to wear them, you might as well make them work for you!

In this age of Internet shopping, finding attractive, iconic glasses has become very easy. There are many sites out there that sell great-looking pairs of glasses. One such site is Eyeglasses.Com, which features a wide variety of eyeglasses, including some cool vintage-style frames and plenty of designer names. For those of us that don't wear prescription glasses, they also have a big selection of sunglasses to choose from, including designs from Armani, Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana. Eyeglasses.Com also has an informative article section that teaches customers about pricing and choosing the proper glasses.

Once, when I was in elementary school and they were doing eyesight testing at school, I blew off the test and ended up with snazzy pink reading glasses as a result. I didn't need them, but I thought they were the coolest thing to ever happen to me. Luckily for my eyesight, I soon broke them in my backpack, but I'll always remember feeling smart and awesome wearing glasses. Now I just get to wear big sunglasses and feel like Anna Wintour!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Muhammed Babangida Talks Blues

You might say that blues music has little to do with my life, New England and the state of modern culture in the world. You might say that, but you'd be dead wrong. The great thing about blues music in particular, and all music in general, is that it crosses cultures and boundaries to make new meaning for each set of ears that hear it. Blues music is art of the most visceral kind, a pure expression of human suffering and emotion. Although there may not be as many blues fans now as in the past, it still speaks to those, like me, who are listening.

Muhammed Babangida, a Nigerian businessman with many interest outside of music, has started a blog to talk about blues music, in particular the development of slave culture music in early America and how traditional African music has influenced the blues. The blues, Muhammed Babangida says, depict the harsh and unforgiving side of life. We've all experienced this side in one way or another. Blues music is simply one way to express it, a way that Muhammed Babangida well respects. You can check out his blog to read more about his interest in the emotional world of the blues.

Rebuilding Communities: Braden Power

Everyone has their own idea of the perfect living space. For many, the current trend of standard, identical apartments in sterile decor is unattractive and reminiscent of college dormitory life. This design trend, or rather, lack-of-design trend, has extended into every part of the real estate market. Even in the suburbs, houses have become repetitive and lack vitality. As a young person just a few years out of the dorms, I can sympathize with those that prefer a home with character. People want to live in a house or apartment building that feels like home, that is distinct, and that harmonizes with but is not identical to the other buildings in the neighborhood. People want to be part of a unique community.

The type of free-character, community-based living I'm talking about is often achieved through projects like Braden Power 's building rehabilitation project. Braden Power took run-down buildings in Dallas and turned them into unique, customizable living spaces that would appeal to the young professional. The old buildings were outfitted with high-end features like hardwood floors, granite countertops and attractive landscaping, turning them into something more than just a place to sleep. Braden Power has also applied this method to condominiums and other living spaces to create a blend of classic and modern design that is far from today's cookie-cutter trends.

Managing Systems, Not People: Nachshon Draiman

The American system of care for the elderly is often considered a mess. Many people don't like to think about what will happen to them when they grow old, and prefer not to take responsibility for their parents or grandparents who can no longer take care of themselves, but the reality is that we may all end up in their shoes. With reports of mistreatment, mismanagement and financial trouble flooding the media every year, the idea of sending a loved one to a nursing home is a fearful prospect. It's in everyone's best interests that the level of care is properly managed. Nursing home facilities all over the country are in need of help. That's where people like Nachshon Draiman come in.

Nachshon Draiman, the CEO of Future Associates, is committed to taking over and reorganizing care facilities in the Illinois area. He started out working in social services, but moved into geriatric care as the need for improvement there became apparent. The Nachshon Draiman philosophy includes working to change not only the structure of care but the attitude toward caring for the elderly. Draiman strives to remove as much administrative clutter from his facilities as possible so that residents receive the best, most individualized care. After all, systems are in place to benefit people in these facilities, not to manage them.

Mastering Philanthropy: Frank Hanna

It's not a great exaggeration to say that many people feel like they don't do enough to help out their fellow man. Not that people don't intend to help others, but life often gets in the way and the end result is guilt. However, many people also don't realize that every little bit counts. You can tell when a person is really trying to help others, especially when they have little money to spare. When an economic crisis becomes apparent, like now, these people shine. I've frequented many a forum online where its members lately rallied to a cause, despite most of them being either too young to have much money or too affected by the current economic climate. People can be amazing.

However, we could all learn a little more about when and how to help. Frank Hanna, an investor, educational leader and co-founder of the Solidarity Foundation, talks about managing money and how we can waste less in order to spend more on helping others in his blog. Frank Hanna  is the CEO of Hanna Capital, which has been involved in numerous charities and other philanthropic ventures designed to serve the poor and disadvantaged, and believes that people have a responsibility to use their money wisely in serving their communities. Frank Hanna 's philosophy of people and businesses as stewards can be applied to many charity situations.

Remodel Your Home With K-Designers

With the housing market gone haywire and the consistent economic issues associated with buying a new home, many are choosing to instead remodel their existing homes for an exciting, updated appearance. While some have the desire for remodeling on the level of full additions or gutting a house to its framework, most people simply want a fresh, new look. Most homes are built in the style of the decade, and let's face it: most of us don't live in classic-looking Victorians. Once trends change, houses start to look like they need a bit of sprucing up. This can be achieved through a change of decorative protective materials like siding, windows and doors. Much like playing a virtual home-building game, real homes can have their old outer decor swapped out for a stylish change.

Too, many prefer to hire contractors rather than go through the long effort of learning about working on a home themselves. One affordable source of remodeling products and services is K-Designers, home of the dream exterior. K-Designers offers exterior siding, windows, garage and patio doors, exterior paint, overhang coverage and more. The company has worked on remodeling homes for 30 years and has won many awards for excellence in service, production and workmanship. They strive to take away the stress of remodeling by providing good service and a variety of financing options in these tough times. K-Designers  is also ranked in the top 10 largest remodeling firms in the country. You can visit their website to look over their options, and start planning your dream home without having to move house.

Designing Your Body With Dr. Joel Roskind

The question of whether or not to get plastic surgery is a personal one, and one surrounded by a great deal of controversy. Modern society has a habit of double standards in this area: the high expectation of people's physical appearances coexists with extreme judgment of those that try to fit the expectation. No one comments if a person disfigured by accident, illness or genetic condition gets corrective plastic surgery, as is right, but those that elect to have plastic surgery for other reasons immediately become the center of debate. With the rising popularity of new facial and body modifications like facial rejuvenation and liposculpture performed by doctors like Dr. Joel Roskind, people feel freer than ever to express their opinions on what others do with their bodies.

That is the crux of the matter: in the end, it is your body, and your choice. Whether you want to look younger, better or simply different, you should be the one to make the call to consult a plastic surgeon. There are many surgeons out there, so be ready to make an informed decision about who you would like to consult. Joel Roskind  himself is both a surgeon and peer educator who has been working in the field for over 26 years, and strives to work on enhancing people's facial and body image. That is what the issue is all about, of course: your body image, and making you happy with your physical self. Dr. Joel Roskind provides services in consultation, breast surgery, liposculpture and laser surgery.

Don't listen to the crowd. Put the question of plastic surgery to yourself.

Real Taxi Wisdom: Amos Tamam

Taxicab safety has been a concern among drivers and fares alike for a good many years. Have you ever ever ridden in the back of an old cab and wondered what's stopping someone from robbing or assaulting a driver? The answer is, not very much. Or at least it used to be that way. Today's cabs are much better outfitted to prevent criminal acts. Cab regulations have changed to protect drivers by implementing security cameras and better separation between passenger and driver in newer cabs, but few have done as much for cab safety as Amos Tamam.

The current CEO of Verifone Transportation Systems, Inc., Amos Tamam developed a system that allowed cabs to accept credit card transactions, lessening the amount of physical money a driver carries and, as a result, the amount of robberies likely to be committed. The current Verifone systems are quick and easy to use, and can range from adapted taxi meters to complete contact-free pay systems. Some of the recent technology developed by Amos Tamam includes screen options for allowing passengers to access weather, news and maps, and even to monitor the accumulation of their own fares.
Although I'm not in an urban area and there are few cabs available here, I do travel into the city and used to be a little nervous about handling money in cabs. With Mr. Tamam's credit card technology, I can ride worry-free.

Health Care and the United American Insurance Company

Health care is expensive, and in this day and age, it's simply not a feasible option to go without insurance. What happens when you become injured or sick and don't have insurance coverage? You may have trouble finding doctors who will take you, and although you won't be turned away from the hospitals, you may not be able to afford their prices. I went through a period of no insurance recently, and had the unfortunate luck to end up at the emergency room. Several thousand dollars later, I came out with no diagnosis and a new financial burden that I'm still paying off. People, myself included, never think health care will cost as much as it does.

So what to do when you're uninsured or looking for a better insurance company? Do your homework and shop around for good coverage. A great company to look into is United American Insurance Company, which provides flexible, affordable health plans and life insurance. Unlike many other companies, United American Insurance Company offers individual policies and supplemental health care to back up an existing limited provider like Medicare. United American Insurance Company is also a resource for careers, and offers many positions in sales, management and customer service.

Don't put off getting coverage. Remember, you only save money being uninsured if you can guarantee you'll never fall ill or get injured.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

To Pick or Not to Pick?

We’re all guilty of romantic susceptibility at some point. For me, that hopeless romance manifests itself in flowers; specifically, flowers as gifts. I love giving flowers. In a pot, in a vase, fancy or country quaint, flowers make amazing gifts that brighten up any room. The search for unusual, unique blooms that make a statement can often lead to a nature hunt rather than a flower shop visit, as those of us who have more sensibility than sense often turn to wildflowers for our gift-giving needs.

But unlike Marianne Dashwood, we live in a world where wildflowers have to eke out a niche existence, growing in tiny biological enclaves easily threatened by outside invaders. My favorite local wildflower, mountain laurel, used to bloom in abundance, but is now being choked out by other plants. Even with legislation to revive and encourage its growth, mountain laurel and other, much more rare wildflowers can be plucked out of existence by appreciative hands. Every time a bloom is picked from a wildflower plant, that’s one less pollination opportunity and fewer flowers the next season.

Wildflowers are lovely, but so are flowers grown for the express purpose of decorating. These hothouse plants are neither dull nor commonplace, and are engineered to last much longer than their wild counterparts. Many flower shops carry unique and beautiful blooms you won’t find growing in your backyard, especially in winter. Personally, I love to give lilies as gifts, for their long petals and variety of colors. I’m also a big supporter of buying gifts online. There are some elegant arrangements of lilies in pink, white and yellow over at 1800flowers.com, which can save you the time of having to hunt through a dozen local shops for the perfect gift.

Sorry, Miss Marianne. When it comes to gifting flowers, I’d rather give a gift to us all and let the wildflowers flourish.