Sunday, February 22, 2009

Muhammed Babangida Talks Blues

You might say that blues music has little to do with my life, New England and the state of modern culture in the world. You might say that, but you'd be dead wrong. The great thing about blues music in particular, and all music in general, is that it crosses cultures and boundaries to make new meaning for each set of ears that hear it. Blues music is art of the most visceral kind, a pure expression of human suffering and emotion. Although there may not be as many blues fans now as in the past, it still speaks to those, like me, who are listening.

Muhammed Babangida, a Nigerian businessman with many interest outside of music, has started a blog to talk about blues music, in particular the development of slave culture music in early America and how traditional African music has influenced the blues. The blues, Muhammed Babangida says, depict the harsh and unforgiving side of life. We've all experienced this side in one way or another. Blues music is simply one way to express it, a way that Muhammed Babangida well respects. You can check out his blog to read more about his interest in the emotional world of the blues.

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