Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cooking Kenyan With Wangethi Mwangi

The attitude toward food is changing once again in America, moving away from the ease of pre-packaged meals and the self-indulgence of eating only foods we are comfortable with. This backlash has been a long time coming, as one glance at popular media will tell you. Cooking competitions and travelogue-style food shows have become hugely popular, as people grow tired of the dinner-in-30-seconds type of program that glorifies only product placement. Many viewers prefer to envision themselves as the world traveler, sampling natural, flavorful foods from around the globe.

In practice, this becomes much easier through the Internet. Most people will never be able to afford to travel in this way for real, but can afford to create their own travel fantasy by cooking new dishes at home. Food lovers can find plenty of recipes online, on major websites and from blogs like that of Wangethi Mwangi, who writes about popular Kenyan cuisine. Wangethi Mwangi 's blog focuses on simple recipes with simple steps that anyone can follow at home.

Me, I can easily imagine an evening of spicy Tanzania chicken and hot chapati, with rice on the side. That's not so outside of the average American's palette, and wouldn't be too expensive to make, either. Wangethi Mwangi makes sure to include recipes that can appeal to a wide range of tastes, and uses ingredients that wouldn't be difficult to find at the corner market. A relief to those of us who have spent plenty of shopping days looking for too-rare ingredients on this side of the globe, for sure!

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