Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Bouquet of Flowers, This Time

When I was young, giving gifts of flowers was my forte. Wildflowers, weeds, daffodils from the garden--I used to pick them all and repackage them to give to the adult women in my life. A bunch of picked flowers could become an elaborate bouquet, or a rose could become a bottle of rosewater "perfume." Much of the fun was running my own flower delivery service, complete with silly costume and begging for tips!

In the adult world, you can't really get away with gifting buggy flowers stolen from someone's hedge. On a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary, I prefer to give a grown-up version of my dandelion gift baskets, such as the professional arrangements from 1-800-Flowers. I don't need to worry about pulling out that old delivery costume now--with this service, everything is taken care of!

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