Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ethics and Global Media: Linus Gitahi

The world has come a long way from the days of state or nation-wide media firms. Since the 1980s, privatized global media groups have expanded their interests to numerous media-related industries, including those of music, film, television, retail, magazines, book publishing and even newspapers. The bigger media firms largely use this power to combine multiple lucrative industries into one, which is often useful in the entertainment genre, but some firms avoid focusing on commercial interests.

One such firm is the Nation Media Group, overseen by Chief Executive Officer Linus Gitahi. Nation Media Group is the largest media firm in East and Central Africa, and focuses on information media and product courier services. The firm prides itself in its independence, advertising a mission statement that separates the firm from all interests commerical, political, religious and factional. Linus Gitahi and the Nation Media Group publish a variety of newspapers focusing on regional news, and transport their newspapers by courier throughout Africa and the rest of the world. Linus Gitahi also has many other business pursuits, including serving as the non-executive Director of Equity Bank, Ltd, Afrika Investment Bank and the Federation of Kenya Employers.

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