Sunday, February 22, 2009

Designing Your Body With Dr. Joel Roskind

The question of whether or not to get plastic surgery is a personal one, and one surrounded by a great deal of controversy. Modern society has a habit of double standards in this area: the high expectation of people's physical appearances coexists with extreme judgment of those that try to fit the expectation. No one comments if a person disfigured by accident, illness or genetic condition gets corrective plastic surgery, as is right, but those that elect to have plastic surgery for other reasons immediately become the center of debate. With the rising popularity of new facial and body modifications like facial rejuvenation and liposculpture performed by doctors like Dr. Joel Roskind, people feel freer than ever to express their opinions on what others do with their bodies.

That is the crux of the matter: in the end, it is your body, and your choice. Whether you want to look younger, better or simply different, you should be the one to make the call to consult a plastic surgeon. There are many surgeons out there, so be ready to make an informed decision about who you would like to consult. Joel Roskind  himself is both a surgeon and peer educator who has been working in the field for over 26 years, and strives to work on enhancing people's facial and body image. That is what the issue is all about, of course: your body image, and making you happy with your physical self. Dr. Joel Roskind provides services in consultation, breast surgery, liposculpture and laser surgery.

Don't listen to the crowd. Put the question of plastic surgery to yourself.

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