Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Enriching the Body and Spirit with Harley Swiftdeer Reagan

The complications and stresses of modern life often leave people hungering for a renewal of their spiritual sides. There are many choices out there for those looking to develop their spiritual selves, from religious groups to physical enrichment programs to philosophical studies. One teacher who combines these approaches is Harley Swiftdeer, a martial artist and healer with a background in psychology, religion and philosophy.

Harley Swiftdeer bases his teachings on martial arts, believing that a mastery of the physical is important to spiritual development. He runs the Ten-No-Kishi Dojo in Scottsdale, Arizona and has studied judo, jiu-jitsu and karate. His background in healing comes from his lifetime spent studying with the Twisted Hairs medicine men and women in the Americas, whom he joined as an Elder in 1992. Harley Swiftdeer is also a founder of the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society, an organization dedicated to teaching about environmental restoration and the preservation of human rights. The Deer Tribe group provides workshops and classes to those seeking evolution of the body and spirit.

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