Friday, October 30, 2009

A Flower in Winter

Fresh flowers can be a great addition to anyone's home decor. Me, I try to lessen the impact of long, dark winter days by keeping flowers in the house, as they instantly brighten up any room. One of my goals has always been to keep live flowers growing indoors, though I am rarely able to encourage much growth. Currently I'm trying to rehabilitate two orchid plants that were marked down at the store due to the poor state they were in. For months my efforts seemed futile, but they are now growing new leaves and I have hopes that one day they will flower.

However, this is quite a bit of work for not much result. A simpler way of keeping blooms in the house is to buy cut flowers, either making arrangements myself or getting a professional presentation. One of my favorite places for finding beautiful decorative flower arrangements is 1-800 Flowers, which will ship directly and has many different options, even in the dead of winter!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Enriching the Body and Spirit with Harley Swiftdeer Reagan

The complications and stresses of modern life often leave people hungering for a renewal of their spiritual sides. There are many choices out there for those looking to develop their spiritual selves, from religious groups to physical enrichment programs to philosophical studies. One teacher who combines these approaches is Harley Swiftdeer, a martial artist and healer with a background in psychology, religion and philosophy.

Harley Swiftdeer bases his teachings on martial arts, believing that a mastery of the physical is important to spiritual development. He runs the Ten-No-Kishi Dojo in Scottsdale, Arizona and has studied judo, jiu-jitsu and karate. His background in healing comes from his lifetime spent studying with the Twisted Hairs medicine men and women in the Americas, whom he joined as an Elder in 1992. Harley Swiftdeer is also a founder of the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society, an organization dedicated to teaching about environmental restoration and the preservation of human rights. The Deer Tribe group provides workshops and classes to those seeking evolution of the body and spirit.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Westford Asset Management and Boca Raton

Westford Asset Managment is located in Boca Raton, Florida. Boca Raton is a city in Palm Beach County, considered to be the largest city in the area and containing at least 300,000 people daily. The name means "Mouse's Mouth," which refers to a sea inlet located near, but not in, the city. The first settlers in the area were the Tequesta Indians, and the city was later inhabited by agricultural workers and Japanese immigrants. The population has expanded significantly since. Today, you can find Westford Asset Management in Boca Raton.

Travelers will find that the city is full of things to do, from visiting the historic landmarks to attending the museums, Boca Ballet Theater, art and science centers, and the nearby international film festival. There are also public beaches, universities, parks and plenty of places to bike. When visiting Florida, be sure to stop by Boca Raton, where Westford Asset Management is located.

Re-connecting the Spirit: RENEW International

Religion and spirituality is important to many people across the globe, and is particularly needed in times of crisis when one's faith might dwindle. There are many organizations devoted to fostering spirituality in people, whether they are already long-time followers with a need for rejuvenation or new converts ready to learn. In the Catholic faith, one such organization is RENEW International, a Roman Catholic ministry.

RENEW International began with an idea to "renew" the Church and the faith of its people. From its small beginnings in 1970s Newark, today RENEW International has expanded to 23 countries, helping dioceses all over the world meet their goals. The organization strives to meet the needs of its parishes and parishioners through providing faith-based learning programs, serving the community and supporting the Catholic tradition.

Music and Muhammad Babangida

The history of music is an important one, as it often echoes the history of a culture. In today's music world, where music is treated as only a commodity to be consumed by the masses, the history of musical genres is often forgotten in favor of producing inoffensive medium-level music that appeals to the widest audience. This is particularly noticeable in the genres of jazz, blues and R&B, all of which are tied together in history and all of which have been appropriated for mass consumption.

One man interested in searching out the history of these musical genres is Muhammad Babangida, a Nigerian businessman who has started a blog to talk about the history of music. Muhammad Babangida is most interested in tracking these American genres back to their origins in Africa, and in discussing how African music has influenced contemporary music all around the world. Visit Muhammad Babangida's blog  to read more about African music and its relationship to the genres we are all familiar with.

Lead the Way, Jeff Barcy

Leadership is an important quality in general life, but is also essential to a life in business. Take the example of investment executive Jeff Barcy, the CEO of Ridgeback Partners. Jeff Barcy started out with ambition, getting his undergraduate degree from the prestigious Harvard College and his graduate degree from Harvard Business School. With this excellent academic record in hand and a mind for leadership, he was able to start off his career in investment banking with Credit Suisse First Boston, eventually becoming the director of their real estate banking practice.

Jeff Barcy's hard work and leadership qualities led him to Hearthstone, an real estate institutional investor, where he contributed to the successful growth of a real estate opportunity fund. Today, Jeff Barcy and the other principal managers of Ridgeback Partners have a long history of successful real estate investing.

From Eyes to Eyeglasses

Eyeglasses are a fact of life for many people, but not necessarily a bad one. Some need glasses for reading, or to wear always from a young age. Others develop the need for eyeglasses as they age and their eyesight deteriorates. The upside to wearing glasses is that it opens up a whole new world of accessories, particularly for women. After all, eyeglasses can be extremely fashionable, and can create a signature look unique to the wearer.

One site for purchasing inexpensive, attractive frames is Eyeglasses.Com, which features a wide range of types and styles, including some snazzy vintage-style glasses and plenty of designer options. The site also includes sunglasses for those of us who are lucky enough not to need eyeglasses yet--or perhaps unlucky enough not to get a chance at these iconic accessories!

Designing the Cab of the Future with Amos Tamam

Science fiction writers often endow the taxicabs of the future with convenient automated technology like electronic pay systems, advanced traffic monitoring, and video news feeds along with fancy visual effects and, of course, flying.  Floating hovercraft taxis aside, the future is nearer than one may think thanks to Amos Tamam and Verifone Transportation Systems.

Amos Tamam is the CEO of Verifone Transportation Systems, a company that has changed taxi riding for the better. In New York City, Philadelphia, Las Vegas and other cities, some taxis now include extra technology for the passenger, such as a credit card transaction system and a touch-screen monitor that relays the news, weather, sports, restaurant guides and more. In addition to the convenience, the systems implemented by Amos Tamam also provide safety, as both passengers and drivers need not carry as much cash on their persons.