Saturday, May 2, 2009

Keep Up With The Tax Man: American Tax Relief

The taxation system in the United States is incredibly complex. Unfortunately, figuring out taxes can be difficult and time-consuming enough to be a full-time job, as evidenced by the popularity of tax preparation offices. Even with the help of these tax offices, many people end up overpaying the government because they do not know enough about taxes to take full advantage of the deductions they are legitimately entitled to. As someone who tackled paying taxes alone for the first time this year, I can attest to the difficulty and ridiculousness of the system. If a single person with no dependents and no property can get confused, there's something wrong there.

However, there is help out there for people who want to do their own taxes, but would like to go into it armed with enough knowledge not to get cheated. With American Tax Relief, you can prepare for your taxes with a knowledgeable expert. American Tax Relief, which describes itself as your Superman to the IRS's Lex Luthor, offers a tax coaching program that will teach you how to make the best of your taxes and avoid the absurdly high rates that most people are paying. You can visit the website for American Tax Relief to get a sample CD of their tax relief strategies.

Choosing Quality Over Price: Home Design With K-Designers

Most people worry from time to time about being taken advantage of when shopping for quality products, due to previous poor experiences with dishonest salespeople and the prevailing attitude in modern society that the most expensive products must automatically be the best. That's one idea that is going by the wayside in this recession, as people become more cost-conscious and less tolerant of advertisers pressuring us all to live outside of our means. Even magazines and television networks have picked up on this change, promoting high-quality, lower-cost items over high-priced status symbols. As well, people have begun to look to companies that have always prized quality over price.

In the home design arena, one company that commits to giving its customers the best bang for their hard-earned bucks is K-Designers, one of the largest remodeling contractors in the U.S. K-Designers has been running for over 30 years, using the best materials available to provide windows, exterior siding and paint, patio and garage doors, overhang coverage and more to its customers. In addition to providing high-quality, low-cost products that have won the company awards for superb service, workmanship and production, K-Designers also offers several different financing options for those of us weathering tough times.

Altering the Inconvenience of Convenience: Amos Tamam

Riding in taxicabs can be a strange experience, and sometimes a hassle, particularly for those that do not live in the city. One of the minor annoyances with cab rides in most cities is having to carry cash around, particularly in these days where almost everywhere takes credit or debit cards. Well, thanks to Amos Tamam, that's no longer a problem in New York City.

Amos Tamam is the president and CEO of VeriFone Transportation Systems, the company that came up with the technology to allow credit card transactions inside taxicabs. In addition to making taxicab travel more convenient for the average person, the technology also allows for companies prevent their employees from abusing travel expenses through the use of corporate credit cards. Amos Tamam's VeriFone system also includes a touch screen monitor that relays weather, news, sports, and traveling information such as restaurant and nightlife guides. The VeriFone technology, having been met with success in New York, is also being tested in other cities like Philadelphia, Las Vegas and Chicago.

Life With Security: United American Insurance Company

Living without health insurance, while possible, can be a real problem. Usually, those that benefit from forgoing the monthly expense of insurance payments are young, healthy people with enough good luck not to get sick or injured. Most of the population, those with age, illness or injury, risk going heavily into debt without health insurance, and no one wants to be in the difficult situation of not having enough money to see a doctor. Indeed, some doctors will not see patients that don't have insurance, as they cannot be guaranteed payment.

The trick to avoiding this kind of dilemma is to find an insurance plan that is not too expensive, but still provides enough coverage so that you don't get bogged down in medical bills if something untoward does happen. One place to look for such a plan is the United American Insurance Company, which offers a wide range of plans tailored to an individual's specific needs. Additionally, United American Insurance Company supplements existing health plans, such as Medicare, which may not cover enough of your medical costs alone. You can also find jobs with United American Insurance Company, which is always looking to fill sales, management and customer service positions at their many locations.

Ethics and Global Media: Linus Gitahi

The world has come a long way from the days of state or nation-wide media firms. Since the 1980s, privatized global media groups have expanded their interests to numerous media-related industries, including those of music, film, television, retail, magazines, book publishing and even newspapers. The bigger media firms largely use this power to combine multiple lucrative industries into one, which is often useful in the entertainment genre, but some firms avoid focusing on commercial interests.

One such firm is the Nation Media Group, overseen by Chief Executive Officer Linus Gitahi. Nation Media Group is the largest media firm in East and Central Africa, and focuses on information media and product courier services. The firm prides itself in its independence, advertising a mission statement that separates the firm from all interests commerical, political, religious and factional. Linus Gitahi and the Nation Media Group publish a variety of newspapers focusing on regional news, and transport their newspapers by courier throughout Africa and the rest of the world. Linus Gitahi also has many other business pursuits, including serving as the non-executive Director of Equity Bank, Ltd, Afrika Investment Bank and the Federation of Kenya Employers.

Cooking Kenyan With Wangethi Mwangi

The attitude toward food is changing once again in America, moving away from the ease of pre-packaged meals and the self-indulgence of eating only foods we are comfortable with. This backlash has been a long time coming, as one glance at popular media will tell you. Cooking competitions and travelogue-style food shows have become hugely popular, as people grow tired of the dinner-in-30-seconds type of program that glorifies only product placement. Many viewers prefer to envision themselves as the world traveler, sampling natural, flavorful foods from around the globe.

In practice, this becomes much easier through the Internet. Most people will never be able to afford to travel in this way for real, but can afford to create their own travel fantasy by cooking new dishes at home. Food lovers can find plenty of recipes online, on major websites and from blogs like that of Wangethi Mwangi, who writes about popular Kenyan cuisine. Wangethi Mwangi 's blog focuses on simple recipes with simple steps that anyone can follow at home.

Me, I can easily imagine an evening of spicy Tanzania chicken and hot chapati, with rice on the side. That's not so outside of the average American's palette, and wouldn't be too expensive to make, either. Wangethi Mwangi makes sure to include recipes that can appeal to a wide range of tastes, and uses ingredients that wouldn't be difficult to find at the corner market. A relief to those of us who have spent plenty of shopping days looking for too-rare ingredients on this side of the globe, for sure!

Business Marketing With Survey Resource Center

These days, it seems like everyone is running their own business. In my family, there are a total of four, half of them Internet-based and half the traditional local variety. We know all too well that it's not easy to keep a business going or to get a new business off the ground. Marketing is key, but many people are unsure of how to go about getting the word out about their products, or even how to find out which consumers they should be targeting.

Luckily for business owners, the Internet has opened up plenty of options for marketing resources. One great option is using a company like Survey Resource Center, which provides information on consumer survey responses in a variety of areas. Survey Resource Center primarily works with prospects for insurance, mortgage and finance, expanding from the company's original life insurance prospect file work eight years ago. Their method of cross-referencing leads has allowed Survey Resource Center to provide a quality service that outperforms others in the industry in terms of accuracy and results. If you need to advertise your business, make sure you've explored all of the options and look into getting help from SRC to target your market.