Sunday, March 22, 2009

Can You Care for Aging Relatives Alone?

The breakdown of the extended family structure in our modern society often leaves many wondering how they can realistically care for aging and infirm relatives. With adult children and their parents living in separate households, and the average lifespan constantly on the rise, hard decisions must often be made regarding what to do with a parent or other family member who can no longer care for themselves. Some choose to house older relatives in nursing homes, while others may take on the task of moving relatives into their own homes. For a working adult, the extra responsibility of becoming a caregiver can be extremely difficult and it is sometimes nearly impossible to fully give a relative the quality of life they deserve.

However, nursing homes and self-care are not the only options. When looking to care for an aging relative, whether in your own home or theirs, a person can always seek out adult care assistance. In this assisted living situation, a qualified caregiver will come to the house to help with regular daily tasks and medical care to ensure the highest quality of life. If you are in the Phoenix area, one such caregiving service is Homecare Phoenix, which provides a variety of options to choose from. Home Care Phoenix will match you with the professional services that are right for you, whether you are looking for a caregiver to help out at home, in a retirement community or at a hospital. The compassionate, friendly caregivers at Phoenix Homecare work to tailor their services to your specific needs, so that you or your relative can live out the most independent life possible.

Friday, March 6, 2009

You Don't Need Makeup to Frame Your Eyes: Eyeglasses.Com

I know I'm one of the few people who find glasses totally attractive on a person, and not just because they give the instant impression of intelligence and sensitivity. No, to me, glasses are also about having an extra edge in the accessory department, particularly for women. Glasses can help create an image, or express a style, that is unique to each individual. They're both practical and fashionable. If you have to wear them, you might as well make them work for you!

In this age of Internet shopping, finding attractive, iconic glasses has become very easy. There are many sites out there that sell great-looking pairs of glasses. One such site is Eyeglasses.Com, which features a wide variety of eyeglasses, including some cool vintage-style frames and plenty of designer names. For those of us that don't wear prescription glasses, they also have a big selection of sunglasses to choose from, including designs from Armani, Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana. Eyeglasses.Com also has an informative article section that teaches customers about pricing and choosing the proper glasses.

Once, when I was in elementary school and they were doing eyesight testing at school, I blew off the test and ended up with snazzy pink reading glasses as a result. I didn't need them, but I thought they were the coolest thing to ever happen to me. Luckily for my eyesight, I soon broke them in my backpack, but I'll always remember feeling smart and awesome wearing glasses. Now I just get to wear big sunglasses and feel like Anna Wintour!